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ChatGPT Prompts for Interview

Ace your next interview with tailored ChatGPT prompts that help you practice and refine your answers. Get the confidence you need to make a great impression.

ChatGPT Prompts for Interview

Act as an interviewer and help me prepare for a [specific role or industry] interview

Can you take on the role of an experienced interviewer in the [specific industry or job role] and guide me through a mock interview session? I’d like to focus on the key competencies and skills required for this role. Please ask me questions that are common in this industry, including behavioral, technical, and situational questions. Also, provide feedback on how I might improve my answers, and suggest any areas I should focus on to enhance my responses. You can customize the questions based on the level of experience and the specific job requirements I’m targeting.

Act as an interviewer and help me practice answering behavioral questions

Could you act as a seasoned interviewer and simulate a series of behavioral interview questions? I’d like to focus on the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method, so please ask questions that allow me to structure my answers this way. For each question, after I provide an answer, offer constructive feedback on how I might refine my response. Feel free to suggest ways to make my answers more impactful by emphasizing my skills, experience, and achievements. You can tailor the questions to the role I’m preparing for and adjust the complexity based on the level of the position.

Act as an interviewer and simulate technical interview questions for a [specific technical role]

Please take on the role of an interviewer and simulate a technical interview for a [specific role, such as software engineer, data scientist, etc.]. I’d like you to ask me questions that assess my technical skills and knowledge relevant to this position. After each question, provide feedback on my response, including areas where I might need to study further or refine my understanding. You can customize the difficulty of the questions based on whether this is an entry-level, mid-level, or senior position, and feel free to include real-world scenarios where I can apply my technical expertise.

Act as an interviewer and prepare me for situational interview questions

Could you act as an experienced interviewer and help me prepare for situational interview questions that I might face? Please present me with hypothetical scenarios related to the job I’m applying for, and ask me how I would handle these situations. After I answer, offer feedback on how well my approach aligns with what employers typically look for, and suggest any improvements or alternative strategies I could consider. You can adjust the scenarios based on the specific challenges and responsibilities of the role I’m targeting.

Act as an interviewer and help me improve my communication skills for interviews

Can you act as an interviewer and focus on helping me improve my communication skills during an interview? Please ask me questions that test my ability to articulate my thoughts clearly and concisely, while also evaluating how well I engage with the interviewer. After each answer, provide detailed feedback on my communication style, including tone, pacing, and clarity. Suggest any adjustments that could make my responses more compelling and help me build rapport with the interviewer. You can tailor the questions to the communication expectations of the role and industry I’m preparing for.

Act as an interviewer and help me prepare for common interview questions

Could you take on the role of an interviewer and ask me the most common interview questions I might encounter? Please include questions about my strengths, weaknesses, career goals, and reasons for leaving my current job. After I respond, give me detailed feedback on how I can improve my answers to better align with what employers are looking for. You can customize the questions based on the job level and industry I’m applying to, and adjust your feedback to help me highlight my skills and experience effectively.

Act as an interviewer and guide me through questions about my resume

Please act as an interviewer and ask me specific questions related to the details on my resume. Focus on my previous job roles, key achievements, and any gaps in my employment history. After each response, provide feedback on how I can more effectively communicate my experience and accomplishments. Feel free to suggest any ways I could improve my resume or how I might better explain certain aspects of my career history. Customize the questions based on the resume I’ve provided and the job I’m seeking.

Act as an interviewer and help me practice questions about my educational background

Could you take on the role of an interviewer and ask me questions related to my educational background? Please focus on how my education has prepared me for the job I’m applying for, including any relevant courses, projects, or research. After each answer, provide feedback on how well I’m linking my education to the role and suggest any improvements. You can tailor the questions based on the industry and the specific educational requirements of the job I’m targeting.

Act as an interviewer and help me prepare for questions about my leadership experience

Please act as an interviewer and ask me questions that explore my leadership experience and potential. I’d like to focus on how I’ve led teams, managed projects, and dealt with challenges in leadership roles. After I provide my answers, give me feedback on how I might better demonstrate my leadership skills and make my responses more compelling. Customize the questions to reflect the leadership expectations of the role I’m preparing for, whether it’s a team lead, manager, or executive position.

Act as an interviewer and simulate questions about handling workplace conflict

Could you take on the role of an interviewer and ask me how I’ve handled conflicts in the workplace? Please present scenarios where I’ve had to manage disagreements, negotiate with colleagues, or resolve issues between team members. After each response, provide feedback on how well I’ve addressed the situation and suggest any ways to improve my conflict resolution skills. You can customize the scenarios based on the typical challenges in the industry or role I’m applying for.

Act as an interviewer and help me practice questions about company culture and values

Please act as an interviewer and ask me questions about how I align with the company’s culture and values. I’d like to focus on how I can demonstrate my fit within the organization and what I bring to the table in terms of cultural contribution. After I answer, provide feedback on how I might better convey my alignment with the company’s mission and values. Customize the questions based on the specific culture of the company I’m applying to, and suggest any ways I can research or articulate this alignment more effectively.

Act as an interviewer and help me prepare for questions about my long-term career goals

Could you take on the role of an interviewer and ask me about my long-term career goals? Please focus on how my aspirations align with the role and the company’s growth trajectory. After each answer, give me feedback on how I can better present my goals in a way that shows my commitment and potential for long-term success within the organization. Customize the questions to reflect the career progression opportunities typical in the industry I’m targeting.

Act as an interviewer and help me prepare for questions about my work-life balance

Please act as an interviewer and ask me how I manage work-life balance, especially in demanding roles. I’d like you to focus on how I prioritize tasks, handle stress, and maintain productivity without burnout. After each response, provide feedback on how well I’m addressing the balance between work and personal life, and suggest any ways I could improve my approach. Customize the questions to reflect the typical demands and expectations of the job I’m preparing for.

Act as an interviewer and help me practice questions about my adaptability and flexibility

Could you take on the role of an interviewer and ask me how I’ve demonstrated adaptability and flexibility in my career? Please focus on how I’ve handled changes in the workplace, learned new skills, or adjusted to new roles or environments. After I provide my answers, give me feedback on how well I’m showcasing my ability to adapt and suggest any improvements. Customize the questions based on the level of adaptability required for the role I’m applying for.

Act as an interviewer and simulate questions about my problem-solving skills

Please act as an interviewer and ask me about my problem-solving abilities. I’d like you to present scenarios where I’ve had to identify issues, analyze potential solutions, and implement effective strategies. After each response, provide feedback on how well I’m demonstrating my problem-solving skills and suggest any ways I could improve my approach. Customize the scenarios to reflect the typical challenges in the industry or role I’m targeting.

Act as an interviewer and help me prepare for questions about my time management skills

Could you take on the role of an interviewer and ask me how I manage my time effectively, especially when handling multiple tasks or projects? Please focus on how I prioritize, delegate, and meet deadlines. After each answer, give me feedback on how well I’m conveying my time management skills and suggest any improvements. Customize the questions to reflect the time management demands typical of the job I’m seeking.

Act as an interviewer and help me practice questions about teamwork and collaboration

Please act as an interviewer and ask me questions that explore my experience with teamwork and collaboration. I’d like to focus on how I contribute to a team, handle group dynamics, and work effectively with others. After I answer, provide feedback on how I might better demonstrate my teamwork skills and make my responses more compelling. Customize the questions to reflect the teamwork expectations of the role I’m preparing for.

Act as an interviewer and simulate questions about my decision-making process

Could you take on the role of an interviewer and ask me how I make decisions in the workplace? Please focus on scenarios where I’ve had to weigh options, consider risks, and make informed choices. After each response, give me feedback on how well I’m demonstrating my decision-making skills and suggest any ways to improve my approach. Customize the scenarios to reflect the decision-making challenges typical of the industry or role I’m targeting.

Act as an interviewer and help me prepare for questions about my motivation and drive

Please act as an interviewer and ask me questions that explore my motivation and what drives me in my career. I’d like to focus on how I stay motivated, set goals, and maintain enthusiasm for my work. After I answer, provide feedback on how well I’m conveying my motivation and suggest any improvements. Customize the questions to reflect the motivational aspects that are important for the role I’m applying for.

Act as an interviewer and help me practice questions about handling feedback and criticism

Could you take on the role of an interviewer and ask me how I handle feedback and criticism in the workplace? Please focus on scenarios where I’ve received constructive feedback, how I responded, and what I learned from the experience. After each response, give me feedback on how well I’m demonstrating my ability to accept and grow from feedback, and suggest any ways I could improve. Customize the scenarios to reflect the feedback culture typical of the company I’m applying to.

Act as an interviewer and help me prepare for questions about innovation and creativity

Please act as an interviewer and ask me questions about how I’ve demonstrated innovation and creativity in my career. I’d like to focus on how I’ve brought new ideas to the table, solved problems creatively, or improved processes. After I answer, provide feedback on how well I’m showcasing my creative thinking skills and suggest any improvements. Customize the questions to reflect the innovation expectations of the industry or role I’m preparing for.

Act as an interviewer and simulate questions about my ethical decision-making

Could you take on the role of an interviewer and ask me how I’ve made ethical decisions in the workplace? Please focus on scenarios where I’ve had to consider ethical implications, weigh moral dilemmas, or stand by my principles. After each response, give me feedback on how well I’m demonstrating my ethical decision-making skills and suggest any improvements. Customize the scenarios to reflect the ethical challenges typical of the industry or role I’m targeting.

Act as an interviewer and help me prepare for questions about my customer service experience

Please act as an interviewer and ask me questions about my experience with customer service. I’d like to focus on how I’ve handled customer inquiries, resolved complaints, and provided excellent service. After I provide my answers, give me feedback on how well I’m demonstrating my customer service skills and suggest any ways I could improve. Customize the questions to reflect the customer service expectations of the role I’m preparing for.

Act as an interviewer and help me practice questions about my negotiation skills

Could you take on the role of an interviewer and ask me how I’ve demonstrated negotiation skills in my career? Please focus on scenarios where I’ve had to negotiate with colleagues, clients, or vendors. After each response, provide feedback on how well I’m showcasing my negotiation abilities and suggest any ways I could improve my approach. Customize the scenarios to reflect the negotiation challenges typical of the industry or role I’m targeting.

Act as an interviewer and help me prepare for questions about managing remote work

Please act as an interviewer and ask me questions about my experience with remote work and managing remote teams. I’d like to focus on how I stay productive, communicate effectively, and maintain team cohesion in a remote setting. After I answer, provide feedback on how well I’m demonstrating my remote work skills and suggest any improvements. Customize the questions to reflect the remote work expectations of the role I’m applying for.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and help me research the company

As a candidate getting ready for an important interview, I want to ensure I fully understand the company I’m interviewing with. Could you guide me through the process of researching the company’s history, mission, values, and recent achievements? I’d also like to know more about their products or services, as well as any notable industry trends that could affect them. Customize this research based on the specific company I’m applying to, and provide me with key points I should emphasize during the interview to demonstrate my knowledge and enthusiasm.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and assist me in crafting a strong personal introduction

As I prepare for my interview, I want to create a compelling personal introduction that highlights who I am, my professional background, and what makes me a strong fit for this role. Could you help me draft an introduction that feels natural yet impressive, focusing on my key achievements and aligning them with the job I’m applying for? Please provide suggestions for tailoring my introduction to different types of interviews, such as phone screenings, video calls, or in-person meetings, so I can adjust it as needed.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and help me anticipate questions about my work experience

In preparation for my upcoming interview, I want to be ready to discuss my work experience in detail. Could you help me identify the most likely questions I’ll be asked about my previous roles, such as challenges I faced, projects I led, or skills I developed? Please offer advice on how I can frame my answers to highlight my strengths and how my past experiences have prepared me for the job I’m seeking. Feel free to customize the questions based on the industry and role I’m applying for, and suggest any key points I should emphasize.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and guide me in formulating responses to behavioral interview questions

As I prepare for my interview, I want to be well-prepared for behavioral questions that ask about how I’ve handled specific situations in the past. Could you help me practice responding to these questions using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method? I’d like to focus on scenarios where I demonstrated leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, or adaptability. Customize the scenarios based on the role I’m applying for, and provide feedback on how I can make my responses more compelling and relevant to the position.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and assist me in preparing thoughtful questions for the interviewer

As I get ready for my interview, I want to come up with insightful questions to ask the interviewer that will show my genuine interest in the role and the company. Could you help me brainstorm questions that will help me learn more about the company culture, the team I’d be working with, and the expectations for the role? Please suggest questions that are relevant to the specific company and industry I’m applying to, and provide advice on how to phrase them in a way that leaves a positive impression.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and help me address potential concerns about my qualifications

I’m concerned that there might be areas of my background that the interviewer could see as weaknesses, such as gaps in my employment history or lack of experience in a particular skill. Could you guide me on how to proactively address these potential concerns during the interview? Please help me craft responses that turn these areas into strengths or show my willingness and ability to learn. Customize your advice based on the specific job I’m applying for, and suggest ways I can confidently discuss any potential red flags.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and assist me in preparing for technical questions

In preparing for my interview, I know I’ll need to demonstrate my technical skills. Could you help me anticipate the types of technical questions I might be asked, based on the job I’m applying for? Please guide me through how to effectively communicate my technical knowledge and problem-solving approach during the interview. If possible, tailor the questions to the specific technologies or methodologies used in the company, and provide tips on how to discuss complex topics in a clear and understandable way.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and help me practice my answers to “Tell me about a time when…” questions

As part of my interview preparation, I want to be ready for those tricky “Tell me about a time when…” questions. Could you assist me in crafting detailed responses that showcase my skills and experiences? I’d like to focus on examples that demonstrate my ability to overcome challenges, work under pressure, or lead a team. Customize the questions based on the role and industry I’m applying to, and help me structure my answers to make a strong impact on the interviewer.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and guide me in preparing for questions about my career goals

As I get ready for my interview, I want to make sure I can clearly articulate my career goals and how they align with the position I’m applying for. Could you help me formulate responses that convey my long-term aspirations and how this role fits into my career path? Please suggest ways to customize my answers based on the specific opportunities for growth within the company, and provide advice on how to express my commitment to both personal and professional development.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and assist me in preparing responses to salary expectation questions

In preparing for my interview, I want to be ready to discuss salary expectations in a way that reflects my value without pricing myself out of the job. Could you help me practice how to approach this topic during the interview? Please guide me on how to research appropriate salary ranges for the role and industry, and help me craft a response that’s both realistic and confident. Customize your advice based on the company’s typical compensation packages, and suggest how I can navigate this conversation if asked early in the interview process.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and help me prepare for a panel interview

As I prepare for an upcoming panel interview, I want to make sure I can effectively communicate with multiple interviewers at once. Could you guide me on how to handle questions from different panel members, how to address the entire group with my answers, and how to manage any potential group dynamics? Please offer tips on how to make a strong impression on each interviewer, and suggest ways to tailor my approach based on the industry and level of the role I’m applying for.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and guide me in preparing for a video interview

As I get ready for a video interview, I want to ensure I’m fully prepared for this format. Could you help me with tips on how to set up my environment, manage technical issues, and maintain a professional appearance on camera? Please guide me on how to make a strong connection with the interviewer even through a screen, and suggest ways to adjust my responses to fit the more limited context of a video call. Customize your advice based on the platform being used for the interview and the specific role I’m seeking.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and assist me in preparing for questions about my soft skills

In preparing for my interview, I want to be ready to discuss my soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and adaptability. Could you help me anticipate the kinds of questions that might be asked about these skills and guide me on how to provide examples from my past experiences? Please suggest ways to tailor my responses to highlight the soft skills most relevant to the job I’m applying for, and provide feedback on how I can present myself as a well-rounded candidate.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and help me prepare for questions about my industry knowledge

As I prepare for my interview, I want to be ready to demonstrate my knowledge of the industry I’m entering. Could you help me anticipate questions that might test my understanding of industry trends, challenges, and key players? Please guide me on how to discuss these topics in a way that shows my expertise and enthusiasm for the field. Customize your advice based on the specific industry and role I’m targeting, and provide tips on how to stay informed about the latest developments.

Act as a candidate preparing for an interview and assist me in handling unexpected questions

In preparing for my interview, I want to be ready for any unexpected or curveball questions that might be thrown my way. Could you help me develop strategies for thinking on my feet and responding to these types of questions with confidence? Please guide me on how to remain calm under pressure and provide thoughtful, creative answers even when the question catches me off guard. Customize your advice based on the specific role and industry I’m applying for, and suggest ways to turn challenging questions into opportunities to showcase my problem-solving abilities.