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ChatGPT Prompts for Email Marketing

Boost your email campaigns with easy-to-use ChatGPT prompts designed for effective marketing. Craft personalized, engaging emails that connect with your audience effortlessly.

ChatGPT Prompts for Email Marketing

Subject Line Generation

As an experienced email marketer, help me create a subject line that grabs attention for my next email campaign. The email is promoting [insert product/service], and I want it to appeal to [describe target audience]. Please generate 5 different subject lines that focus on [key emotion, such as urgency, curiosity, or excitement]. Additionally, include subject lines that fit a friendly yet professional tone. I also want them to be short enough to be read on mobile devices.

Personalized Introduction for an Email Campaign

Act as an email marketing expert and help me write a personalized introduction for my email campaign. I am sending this email to [type of audience, such as loyal customers or new leads], and the purpose of the email is to [insert goal, such as introducing a new product or offering a discount]. I want the tone to feel warm and inviting while making the reader feel special. Can you also suggest ways to add a personal touch using [data, like the customer's first name or purchase history]?

Creating an Engaging Email Body

As an expert email marketer, help me write a highly engaging body for an email campaign promoting [insert product or service]. The email should focus on [main benefit, such as time-saving or cost-effectiveness] and resonate with [describe target audience]. Make sure the content flows smoothly from the introduction to the call-to-action, keeping the tone conversational but persuasive. Also, include suggestions for emphasizing the product's key features without overwhelming the reader.

Crafting a Compelling Call-to-Action

As a seasoned email marketing professional, help me craft a compelling call-to-action (CTA) for an email about [insert offer, such as a limited-time discount or free trial]. I want the CTA to feel urgent yet non-pushy, encouraging my audience to [insert desired action, like ‘Sign up,’ ‘Buy now,’ or ‘Learn more’]. Offer 3 different variations of the CTA that fit within the email's overall tone of [describe tone, such as friendly or professional]. Make sure it stands out visually in the email.

Re-engagement Campaign for Inactive Subscribers

Act as an email marketing expert and help me create a re-engagement email for inactive subscribers who haven’t opened an email in [insert timeframe, such as 3 months]. I want the email to gently remind them of the value of staying connected while offering an incentive like [insert offer, such as a discount or free content]. Please suggest wording that is friendly and not too pushy, and include ideas for how to re-spark their interest in [your brand, product, or service].

Email Follow-Up Sequence

As an experienced email marketer, help me design a follow-up email sequence for [insert campaign, such as a product launch or event registration]. The sequence should consist of [insert number of emails, such as 3], with each email offering increasing value or urgency. The first email will introduce [insert offer], the second will provide [additional benefits or a customer story], and the third will focus on [insert final CTA or urgency]. Write sample text for each email, making the tone feel natural and personal.

Promotional Email for a New Product

Act as a seasoned marketer and help me write a promotional email for my new product, [insert product name]. The email should highlight its key features, appeal to [insert target audience], and emphasize how it solves [insert specific pain point]. I want the email to feel informative but not overly salesy. Please include options for adding social proof like customer testimonials or reviews, as well as suggestions for a soft call-to-action that encourages more engagement.

A/B Testing Email Content

As a professional email marketer, guide me on how to set up an A/B test for my email campaign. I want to test two different versions of [insert email element, such as the subject line, body content, or call-to-action]. Can you help me create both versions? Version A should focus on [insert theme or focus], while Version B should take a slightly different approach, emphasizing [insert alternative focus]. Also, provide advice on what metrics I should be tracking to determine the winner.

Welcome Email for New Subscribers

As an email marketing expert, help me create a warm and welcoming email for new subscribers who’ve just signed up for [insert your newsletter or product updates]. The email should introduce them to [insert company name], highlight the benefits they’ll receive by being part of the community, and encourage them to take [insert next step, such as visiting the website or engaging with content]. Make sure the tone is friendly, and include suggestions for adding a personal touch, like thanking them by name.

Email Marketing Campaign for a Special Event

Act as a skilled email marketer and help me craft a marketing email to promote [insert event, such as a webinar, product launch, or special sale]. The email should create excitement about the event, emphasize [insert key details like the date, time, and location], and encourage recipients to register or attend. I also want to include a compelling reason why they shouldn’t miss the event, such as [insert special offer or exclusive content]. Can you also suggest how to make the invitation feel personalized?

Win-Back Email for Customers Who Haven’t Purchased Recently

As a seasoned email marketer, help me craft a win-back email for customers who haven’t made a purchase in [insert timeframe, such as 6 months]. I want to gently remind them of the benefits of our products or services while offering an incentive, such as [insert discount or special offer], to encourage them to come back. The tone should be friendly and appreciative, with a focus on how we can help solve their [insert customer problem or need].

Holiday-Themed Email Campaign

Act as an email marketing expert and assist me in creating a holiday-themed email campaign to promote [insert product or offer]. The email should incorporate [insert holiday theme, such as Christmas or Black Friday], using festive language while still maintaining our brand voice. Please help me craft a fun yet professional message that offers [insert holiday discount or promotion] and creates a sense of urgency around [insert holiday deadline].

Referral Program Email Campaign

As a professional email marketer, help me design an email to promote our new referral program. The email should explain how customers can refer friends and what benefits they’ll receive, such as [insert incentive]. I want the message to feel exciting and easy to understand, with a clear call-to-action that invites them to participate. Also, provide suggestions on how to personalize the email by highlighting previous customer engagement or purchases.

Email for Announcing a Price Increase

Act as an experienced email marketer and help me write an email to announce a price increase for [insert product or service]. I want to explain the reasons for the increase in a way that feels transparent and customer-focused, while also emphasizing the value they continue to receive. Can you help me find the right balance between being apologetic and maintaining a positive tone? Also, suggest how to soften the message, perhaps with a special offer or discount for loyal customers.

Abandoned Cart Recovery Email

As a skilled email marketer, help me write an abandoned cart recovery email for customers who’ve left items in their cart without completing the purchase. The email should gently remind them of the items, offer an incentive like [insert discount or free shipping], and create a sense of urgency by mentioning that stock is limited. Make the tone friendly and encouraging, and provide suggestions on how to make the message feel personal, like using the customer’s name or showing images of the abandoned items.