Get instant solutions for your toughest homework challenges with an intelligent assistant.
Solvely is an AI-driven homework help app that delivers step-by-step solutions across a wide range of subjects, catering to students from K-12 through graduate studies. It includes a quiz generator for creating personalized quizzes based on study content, and also offers tailored tutoring to boost learning. The app is free to use, with optional premium features for those needing more extensive support.
Solvely AI Homework Helper and AI math problem solver makes academic assistance easy. Simply take a photo of your homework problem, or type it into the app, and let the AI analyze it. In seconds, you’ll receive step-by-step solutions, making it easier to understand even the most complex topics. Solvely works seamlessly across Android and iOS, offering instant support whenever and wherever you need it.
Solvely is designed for:
Solvely AI Homework Helper offers both free and premium options:
Solvely offers 24/7 customer support via the mobile app, ensuring you’re never without help when needed.
How accurate are the solutions provided by Solvely?
Solvely’s AI is designed to provide highly accurate solutions, particularly in math problem solving and other academic areas.
Does Solvely only solve math problems?
No, while Solvely excels as an AI math problem solver, it also covers other subjects like science.
Is there a free trial for the premium version?
Yes, Solvely offers a free trial of the premium version, allowing users to test all features before subscribing.
Does Solvely work without an internet connection?
No, Solvely requires an internet connection to provide real-time answers and solutions.